Hi, as I informed our community in my last note, we launched the Open Call for Candidates on Friday, 9 March 2018. The deadline for applications is 23:59 UTC on Friday, 6 April 2018: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2018/03/open-call-ceo-candidates-ceo-succession-internet-society/ This means that potential candidates interested in applying still have a few more days to do so. Candidates can apply for the position by visiting the Perrett Laver (our search firm for this process) web site using the following link: https://candidates.perrettlaver.com/vacancies/726/ceo/ While the Candidate Pack has been available for download on the link above during the whole open call, we have received input from our community asking us to make the Candidate Pack available also on a regular URL outside the search firm's portal. Accordingly, for your convenience, we have now made it available on the following link as well: https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Internet-Society-CEO-Succession.pdf Please, distribute this call to potential candidates who may be interested so that they can apply before the upcoming deadline. The ongoing open call for candidates will result in a long list of candidates. Taking the long list as a starting point, the whole board (at this point the search committee has already done its job) with the support of the search firm will elaborate a short list of candidates and eventually select one. Our current plan is to be done with all interviews and have selected a candidate by the end of June. The starting date of the new CEO will naturally depend on the availability of the selected candidate. Cheers, Gonzalo Camarillo (for the board) Chair - ISOC Board of Trustees