I was just asking for an example of well documented FOSS software that could be accepted for standards track reference by IETF. I can't come up with any. In my unfortunate experience, RTFS is the standard answers when it comes to FOSS specifications. I would like the process where FOSS explores a problem field and is used to start standardiation. I just don't think that the standardization of interoperability behavior comes for free. Cheers Toerless On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:29:45PM +0100, Riccardo Bernardini wrote: > On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Toerless Eckert <tte@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 11:39:34PM -0400, Alia Atlas wrote: > > > Personally, I have not seen it work well or be generally perceived as > > > anything more than a waste of time to ask well specified and widely > > available mature open > > > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^* > > > > source work to come and be republished as an Independent Stream > > Informational RFC. > > > > > > > I guess that "well specified" is a cornerstone word here: _if_ the OS > protocol was well specified (and with this I mean in an unambiguous way, > with enough detail to allow interoperability with other implementations and > in a stably referenced document), I would agree that re-publishing it is a > waste of time and I would have no qualms in using it in an RFC. > However, my personal experience with OS software (both as users an -- > partly -- as a contributor) is that documentation in some cases can be > really lacking and the source code is considered the ultimate documentation > (I remembered that few years ago I asked details about the format of > octave data files and I was told to look at the source code). > > One could think about considering a snapshot of a specific version of the > source code as the protocol specs; unfortunately source code is not good > for that: first, you need to reverse engineer it in order to deduce -- say > -- the format of a packet; secondly often is *not* unambiguous, for > example: if you declare a packet field as "int" in C, how many bits is? > Sure, the code will run smoothly with current processors since int is 32 > bits everywhere, but what if you are going to communicate with a processors > whose int is 64 (or 16)-bit wide? (and I did not mention "efficiency > tricks" that are ill-defined according to the C specs, but work as long as > you stick to gcc). > > One could object that if there is an open source implementation, there is > no need for unambiguous specs since one can just use the existing > implementation. However, I see this as a very weak solution: someone else > could need to create a new implementation, maybe in a different language, > maybe for a different architecture not compatible with the current > implementation. > > Summarizing, if the cornerstone condition "well specified" is met, I think > that the OS protocol can be considered as a protocol developed by any > standard body (this suggest that condition "well specified" is quite > demanding), but if the condition is not met, the only solution I can think > of is to "snapshot" it (and clean it, if necessary) into an Informational > RFC. > > Riccardo -- --- tte@xxxxxxxxx