-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Int-area] IETF 98 Minutes
From: Khaled Omar
To: int-area
Something else to add, it is not my problem that the extended ping presenter didn't hear my question which I repeated two times through this meeticho and didn't get an answer, will be better to find a replacement for this service for making a successful remote presentation as my microphone was muted suddenly during presenting IPv10 slides and was enabled suddenly at the end of the session so I got no chance to continue my remote presentation.
Khaled Omar
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Int-area] IETF 98 Minutes
From: Juan Carlos Zuniga
To: int-area@xxxxxxxx
The minutes of the IntArea meeting at IETF 98 in Chicago are here:
Thanks again to Ian Farrer for taking notes during the meeting.
Juan Carlos & Wassim