The intent is that it is information useful to those considering whether restoring metadata lost to encryption in mid-network is the right way to go.
[Med] This is another assumption in the document that I disagree with: It seems that you assume that an on-path device, that inserts metadata, is necessarily RESTORING back that information. This is not true for many efforts:
· A Forward-For header inserted by a proxy does not restore any data; it does only reveal data that is already present in the packet issued by the client itself.
· An address sharing device, under for example DS-Lite (RFC6333), that inserts the source IPv6 prefix in the TCP HOST_ID option (RFC7974) is not RESTORING any data. The content of that TCP option is already visible in the packet sent by the host.
· Service Function Chaining WG (
wg/sfc/about/ ) is defining an architecture to communicate metadata by on-path devices; that metadata is inserted at the network side. Border nodes will make sure that data is stripped before forwarding packets to the ultimate destinations. The metadata can be a subscriber-id, a policy-id, etc.
So when draft-hardie-* says: “Do not add metadata to flows at intermediary devices unlessa positive affirmation of approval for restoration has been received
from the actor whose data will be added.”
(1) Do you assume that the sample examples I listed above fall under your advice?
(2) How an on-path device will know the data it intends to insert is a “restoration”?
(3) Does it mean that for new data (i.e., that are not restoration), on-path devices are free to do whatever they want? For me, this is undesirable. There is a void there. A statement to require those networks to avoid leaking privacy information must be included.
Another assumption is made here:
Instead, design the protocol so that the actor can add such metadata
themselves so that it flows end-to-end, rather than requiring the
action of other parties. In addition to improving privacy, this
approach ensures consistent availability between the communicating
parties, no matter what path is taken.
This text claims that providing data by the endpoint ensures a “consistent availability” of that information. This is broken for a multi-homed host that uses for example Forward-For header: Obviously, the content of the header if injected by the endpoint will depend on the path.
[Med] Resources may not be restricted to CPU or disk but may be granting access to the service (e.g., download a file when a quota per source address is enforced). It can be whatever the servers consider to be critical for them; it is up to the taste of the service design to characterize it. The NEW wording proposed above is technically correct. Please reconsider adding it to the draft.