Reviewer: Carlos Bernardos Review result: Ready I am an assigned INT directorate reviewer for draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-failover-protocol-03. These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the Internet Area Directors. Document editors and shepherd(s) should treat these comments just like they would treat comments from any other IETF contributors and resolve them along with any other Last Call comments that have been received. For more details on the INT Directorate, see I'm not an expert in DHCPv6, so please consider this review as a light one. Keeping this in mind, please find my review below. Overall, I have not found any issue. I think the document is quite complete and deep. Actually, my main overall comment is that it is sometimes a bit hard to follow, due to its length and level of complexity. Since a protocol specification has to be precise, my only recommendation to address this would be to consider adding some figures in Section 4, for the reader to get a first overall idea. Question: is there any implementation available, so some experience gained from it can be reported (maybe as an annex)?