Dear all, The UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression David Kaye, who also spoke at the hrpc session at IETF96 in Berlin [0], already produced two report, one on 'encryption and anonymity' [1] and one on 'The role of the private sector in the digital age [2]. Now he intend to write a report on: 'freedom of expression and the telecommunications and Internet access sector'. [3] For this he is asking for input from business enterprises [4] as well as NGOs and other stakeholders [5]. I think there is one question in which you all might be especially interested, and that is the last question mentioned under [5]: [QUOTE] Please share information concerning the role of relevant standards and Internet governance bodies in protecting and promoting freedom of expression, and how that role may be improved. [/QUOTE] The deadline for the submissions is November. Details can be found under the aforementioned links. You can also find examples of submissions under link [1] and [2] to see what submissions to the previous reports look like. It is not necessarily a lot of work and I think the UN Special Rapporteur in specific and the UN and the UN Human Rights Council at large could greatly benefit from input from the technical community. Best, Niels [0] from 30:40 onwards [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] -- Niels ten Oever Head of Digital Article 19 PGP fingerprint 8D9F C567 BEE4 A431 56C4 678B 08B5 A0F2 636D 68E9