>We know that outgoing alias email still has the problem. The Secretariat is did some experiments with some additional headers >(Resent-*) to alias mail. They were not able to determine whether this headers helped destination servers or not. I can promise you they don't. There is a thing called ARC under development that is intended to undo most of the DMARC damage. The large mail systems and the Mailman developers are all aware of it. Until then, there's a range of workarounds that range from bad to really unpleasant: http://wiki.asrg.sp.am/wiki/Mitigating_DMARC_damage_to_third_party_mail The most common (and in my view one of the worst) is to rewrite the From: line to use the list's address, sometimes just addresses with DMARC problems, sometimes for all addresses. For this audience I expect I don't have to explain why that's bad. On my lists (which are in sympa rather than mailman, but with the same issues) I do a per-author rewrite on DMARC'ed addresses, e.g. From: Ms Meyer <marissa@xxxxxxxxx> turns into From: Ms Meyer <marissa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> That makes DMARC happy, and I set up forwards good for a few days so replies generally work. (Yes, dmarc.fail is a real domain.) I'd be happy to talk to whoever maintains our Mailman to help do the same thing. Mine is implemented as a small shim between the list software and the sendmail program, with no patches to the list manager code. R's, John