Hi Loa,
On May 24, 2016 7:44 AM, "Loa Andersson" <loa@xxxxx> wrote:
> On 2016-05-24 17:24, Adrian Farrel wrote:
>> Alia,
>>> I've wondered about whether it would help/add to have pictures of IETFers
>>> associated with their IETF datatracker account. We do have a gallery of
>>> photos for WG chairs, but I have no sense of how much those are used.
>> I have repeatedly been told that the WG chair photos are really useful for people attending f2f meetings who want to seek out chairs to talk with them. The same would probably apply to any IETFer with whom they wanted to make contact at an f2f meeting.
> yes I agree to that, photos are useful
> does "assiciated with their IETF datatracker account" mean that when you
> go to the status page of a draft the photos of the authors would show
> up? would be really neat :).
Yes, that could be one way of integrating. I think it takes some thought as to what would be useful & what would feel comfortable to IETFers.
> A wrinkle coould be to display the photos of wg chairs on the charter
> and/or the document page.
Exactly. If there's interest, maybe we can brainstorm a bit.
>> [snip]
>>> I would love to figure out how to recreate the types of serendipitous interactions
>>> and 'hallway' conversations that happen - but in an on-line setting.
>> A few years back the IESG caused the creation of hallway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. When I was on the IESG I tried to remember to hang out there when my jabber client was open. I think a couple of other ADs tried as well. As I recall, it was very rare for anyone else to be there and over a couple of years I think I fielded just one question.
> yes - I remember the hallway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, the idea is good, but I guess that there are better applications that could be used today - in
> a totally different context I've been using Telegram (not a suggestion,
> just an example) and it works well. Though I don't know how big groups
> that could be accommodated.
> /Loa
>> Adrian