All, At IETF95, we had: 20 individual mentee / mentor pairs 25 speed mentoring attendees (18 on Sunday, 7 on Monday) 40~ attendees for the "Journey from I-D to RFC" presentation 40~ attendees for the "Unwritten rules and values of IETF" presentation The sessions on Sunday were quite well attended. We also had breakfast meetings which duplicated the sessions & were not very well attended. We will discontinue the breakfast meetings. If you were a mentor or mentee at IETF95 and have not filled out the feedback form: Please do that now. We have 23 entries. Once we have more feedback, we will publish results. We have also started the remote mentoring : Internet Draft review team initiative. I suspect this will be quite popular. After one day, we have already 12 people who want to participate. It will take some time to get enough people to have a group of 4 who all want to work in the same area. After we get maybe 2 people who want to work in the same WG & have overlap on language & time zone, we will ask the WG itself if it has more people who want to work on the team. If you know of others who may benefit by this initiative or you yourself want to participate, please fill out the form here: Please forward the form to anyone you think will be interested. If you would like to help the mentoring team in doing any of this coordination, we would love to have you. Please email me unicast & we will put you to work. Thanks, Nalini Elkins Inside Products, Inc. (831) 659-8360