On 2016-01-31 03:25, Jeyan Gopalakrishnan wrote:
Hello, Recently I was looking at some online tools which can transfer XML document to JSON. There are plenty of such tools but every tool gave a different "type" of JSON.(Seems some are adding underscore, hyphen ... to the attribute names...).Is it possible for us to have a standard to define this.Such a "standard" would allow programming languages to have these as part of their libraries. And in addition to this the programmers who work on migrating applications to use JSON as data-interchange format which are currently using XML would find it easy due to the fact that a client application can be migrated without worrying about he server application and vice -versa.I not sure if this qualifies for a post here, but posting this here just out of curiosity. Thanks Jeyan G
Did you see <https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS9H2Y_7.1.0/com.ibm.dp.doc/json_jsonx.html>?
Best regards, Julian