Hello all,
I have just posted an I-D "Unwritten Rules and Values of the
I feel that having something like this will be of quite a bit of
help to new people at the IETF, in particular, the mentees in
the IETF mentoring program.
We would very much like to start the discussion and get
consensus, if possible!
In the interests of
not clogging up the IETF main list, if you would like to
discuss, please register and comment on the mentoring email
list. Love to have your thoughts!
The abstract of this
I-D is below:
The intent of this document is to speed up the process by which
someone new to the IETF, can understand the objectives, fathom
the environment, comprehend the culture, learn to navigate the
problems, overcome the obstacles, and become a more productive
IETF participant, in a shorter amount of time. Further, this
document is intended to pass along the learning and experiences
of people who have absorbed these values, perhaps in a much
longer amount of time and with much greater effort and even
Nalini Elkins
IETF Mentoring Program
Inside Products, Inc.
(831) 659-8360