Hi, I've been meaning to review this draft for some time, but I have just realised why I can't do so effectively. It's a proposed update of one our two most basic process documents, where we currently have more than 120 instances of currently running code. But I can't actually tell whether the draft reflects the original RFC, plus its updates and errata, plus learnings from the running code. I hate to say this, but I think the draft needs to go back to the drawing board. I think it needs to proceed in small steps (a good example is the way rfc2460bis is proceeding in 6man). 1. Publish a -00 draft which is simply the text of 2418 as-is but in current format. 2. Publish a -01 draft with the errata fixed. 3. Publish a -02 draft with the RFC 3934 update patched in. 4. Publish a -03 draft with the RFC 7475 update patched in. 5. Publish a -04 draft with the RFC 7221 material patched in. (If there are other RFCs that should really have been updates to 2418, repeat the process.) At that point we'd have a draft that represents agreed consensus up to date. Then we could discuss what needs adding or changing based on operational experience. Trying to jump straight to the end point like the current draft seems highly unlikely to converge. Brian