See RFC 3675 for a discussion of some problems with something somewhat what you suggest but enormously simpler and easier. Thanks, Donald ============================= Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-333-2270 (cell) 155 Beaver Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA d3e3e3@xxxxxxxxx On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Bhakta Giridhari Damoda Das Jonadon Brah Mahabarat <giridhari@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > ________________________________ > Proposal for A Safe, Clean Internet > ________________________________ > > Before I disclose the concept proposed I will preclude a Big Brother > Internet Censorship that prevents people from exercising free choice. That > is, the concept does not intend to prohibit content in the public domain > which is controversial and or considered in poor taste by some. No > censorship enforcement is proposed- that is, no restriction on what people > display on their websites is discussed. What is proposed is a world standard > recognising the right to choose a clean Internet experience- ie, what is > displayed (by choice) in a web browser. At the moment, this is left to the > computer owner to determine, by means, if so desired, of Net Nanny software > or similar. This works, but it is not as responsible as it could be. > > The Concept > ________________________________ > > An internet site registrar is declared, where owners of existing web sites > or new web sites can apply to have their web site registered : the owner > submits their site's URL, and the registrar reviews the site and it is > admitted to the registrar if it contains anything but any of the following: > > Pornography of any form > Gambling > Sex-driven sites (excluding dating sites which require reasonable decorum) > Racist sites > Inflammatory sites > Sites promoting or discussing illegal activity (as a general theme- the > intent is never to prohibit open discussion: free speech is what makes laws > so strong- they can stand examination) > Sites which promote consumption of conciousness-altering substances, > including caffeine, nicotine and ethanol > {please add to list} > .... > > > Sites which are permitted: > > Personal Home pages, provided the content is not offensive, or derisive > News sites > Internet Search engines > Wikipedia > Selected YouTube content > {please add to list} > .... > Anything you would not be alarmed by if your children were reading, for > example. > > > The concept is like Net Nanny, but the onus, motivation, and benefit is with > (1) the content owners/authors and providers, (2) governments, to embrace > that the Internet is an international forum which deserves sensitive > attention so as to cultivate sound content to make a sound web experience, > for (3) the people who live in the world. > > > How does it Work? > ________________________________ > > The segregation is implemented at the Domain Name System (DNS) level (the > level where the protocol and technology which converts a Uniform Resource > Locator such as to it's Internet Protocol (IP) address is). > The IP address is what is used to locate the computer hosting the content > one wishes to browse. > > > There are two steps: > > [1] DNS is revised to support acknowlegment of web sites that are > registered. A new entry in a DNS lookup response which flags for those > entries that are for registered sites is implemented. > > [2] Web browsers are revised to support a feature which selects whether to > access only registered content. This feature incorporates sending web > servers such as those hosting search engines a message which indicates only > registered content should be displayed in search results if the browser > feature is accordingly configured. > > > When a web browser requests a name resolution for a web site, and the web > browser is configured to only display registered content, the return from > the DNS server includes a indicator which informs the web browser whether > the requested address is registered or not registered. If the browser is > configured to show registered content and the DNS server response indicates > non-registered content, the browser displays an appropriate informational > message along the lines of "Content is not registered." Also suggested is a > prompt by the web browser asking whether to display the content anyway. In > this case, should the operator of the computer elect to display the content > anyway, NetNanny or equivalent softwares can still determine whether content > is ultimately displayed. > > It is great that Net Nanny exists, and there is likely to be a difference of > opinions about what is acceptable so to fine tune selection to cater for > this Net Nanny and other content restriction software continue to serve an > essential purpose. There can even be web sites which are registered but at > the computer owner's or operator's discretion should still be restricted by > Net Nanny or equivalent software. > > WHY? > ________________________________ > The point is more to draw attention of the world to actively participate in > creating a by-choice clean Internet. The world should be ready to accept > responsibility and enjoy the benefit of actively promoting the freedom to > choose a clean Internet experience. Net Nanny and equivalent softwares are > still essential where a computer owner's discretion deems (some) site(s) > that are not registered be nonetheless permitted. Further reason why Net > Nanny and equivalent softwares are valuable is apparent if you look further > down the horizon of this proposal, where Internet Ratings are implemented, > similar to the Film Industry's Rating System: there can be difference of > opinion about what is PG and what is M and what M rated content should be > permitted. > > > The technology which houses and provides the Internet is mature. The > organisations which accept standards of that technology are well established > and also mature. Mature enough, I think, to implement provisions to support > higher quality choice. I invite governments of the world to discuss this and > collaberate their interests, so that we live in a world where we don't just > leave it to someone else, but instead actively promote a clean Internet > experience implemented at a technology level- at a protocol level. In other > words, a safer Internet by design. > > Giridhri