Hi, Question: have you guys considered this scenario? There are a number of pre-5378 RFCs that appear to include templates (just search the datatracker for the word ³template²--and there may be more). If one of these templates gets updated in an I-D and RFC, the trust may lack the rights to provide a license to change or fill in the template. A similar situation is covered in the TLP 4.0 by section 6.c.iii. However, the situation is more severe here, because a template¹s main (or only?) purpose is to be modified (by being filled in). I think it may be worthwhile to document that the proposed language and mechanism below is incompatible with updates of pre 5378 templates, unless the necessary rights for the pre-5378 template I-D were obtained by the trust. In other words, the language and mechanism proposed below MUST NOT be used for templates based on templates published in pre-05378 RFCs, unless the trust has obtain a license under the necessary rights from the relevant right holders (authors of pre-RFC5378 RFCs or, in some cases, their employers). Stephan On 1/27/15, 06:23, "Tobias Gondrom" <tobias.gondrom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >Dear IETFers, > >The IETF Trust has been requested by the IESG and RFC Editor to provide >a license in cases >where RFCs contain Templates. The Trustees propose modifying the Trust >Legal Provisions >(TLP) based upon a need to extract and fill in text from RFCs that >contain Templates. E.g. >the Internet-Draft draft-ietf-sidr-cps-04 contains a Template for others >to copy and modify. >Under the normal TLP provisions this would be considered a derivative >work and not permitted. > >The current TLP is here: ><http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-4.pdf>. > >The Trustees¹ response is a proposed change to the TLP that addresses >the issue for this and >future RFCs. The change enables specific text in an RFC that is >designated as a Template to be >subject to a new provision in the TLP that says that extraction and >modification are authorized. > >The Trustees are considering the following language changes to the TLP >to permit the modification >of RFC Templates: > >9. Template Text > >a. Certain RFCs may contain text designated as ³Template Text² by the >inclusion of the following >legend in the introduction to the RFC: > > ³This RFC contains text intended for use as a template as >designated below by the markers ><BEGIN TEMPLATE TEXT> and <END TEMPLATE TEXT> or other clear >designation. Such >Template Text is subject to the provisions of Section 9(b) of the Trust >Legal Provisions.² > >b. In addition to the other rights granted under the TLP with respect >to each RFC, the Trust grants >to all interested persons a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, >perpetual right and license under >all copyrights and rights of authors to make, reproduce, publish and >distribute modifications of the >Template Text (e.g., to insert specific information in place of blanks >or place-holders), and reproduce, >modify and distribute such modified Template Text. > >We would like hear your thoughts on changing the Trust Legal Provisions >to accommodate the inclusion >of RFC Templates. Comments will be considered that are received through >25th February. > >Thank you for your assistance. > >Tobias Gondrom >Chair, IETF Trust >