--On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 14:23 +0000 Tobias Gondrom <tobias.gondrom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > The IETF Trust has been requested by the IESG and RFC Editor > to provide a license in cases > where RFCs contain Templates. The Trustees propose modifying > the Trust Legal Provisions > (TLP) based upon a need to extract and fill in text from RFCs > that contain Templates. E.g. >... > The Trustees' response is a proposed change to the TLP that > addresses the issue for this and > future RFCs. The change enables specific text in an RFC that > is designated as a Template to be > subject to a new provision in the TLP that says that > extraction and modification are authorized. >... > We would like hear your thoughts on changing the Trust Legal > Provisions to accommodate the inclusion > of RFC Templates. Comments will be considered that are > received through 25th February. Tobias, IANAL (other disclaimers incorporated by hand-waving), but a plain-English reading of this indicated that the text gives permission to modify the text of the template itself. That raises all of the issues that caused us to try to make enforceable copyright claims on the RFC series in the first place-- someone could use such derived text (maliciously or not) to mislead others about IETF statements, intent, and requirements. I'll leave it to the Trustees and Counsel to determine whether that threat is worth worrying about, but it seems to me it would be easy, if desired, to allow copying but restrict it, either by intended use or by not allowing the template text to be modified, only that the template be filled in and used as specified, or both. john