At 17:49 21/12/2014, IAB Chair wrote:
Jari and I were invited to join representatives of the Internet
Society Board and the ICANN Board at a meeting last week. There
were two topics: the IANA Stewardship Transition and the NETmundial
Initiative. After the meeting, Bob Hinden and Steve Crocker
released a statement. Here is a link to their statement:
Dear Russ,
these a minima I*core meetings seem to be less and less
representative of, and concerned by, the omni-stake-holder global
communities' multitechnological catenet stability. May I remind you
my main concern which is the compatility between the various
AMERICANN, GOVCANNs and CORPCANNs strategies, plug-ins and/or add-ons
and new developments like NDN, SDNs, etc. in a permissionless
innovation referentless competition context. This can only push us to
consider more and more actively our own Libre MYCANN plug-in fail
safe plan for our personnal networking.
Seasons greetings and concerns.
Best wishes for a joy filled holiday season,
Russ Housley
IAB Chair