All, I reviewed this document as AD and found a few small points that I have asked the authors to address as IETF last call comments. Adrian === Please look for places where you have "proposed" something and change that to "defined". --- It would be good to include a reference for encoding floating point integers. The usual is (I think)... IEEE, "IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic", Standard 754-1985, 1985 (ISBN 1-5593-7653-8). --- Section 4.2.5 Implementations MAY also permit the configuration of a static (non dynamic) offset value (in microseconds) to be added to the measured delay value, to facilitate the communication of operator specific delay constraints. On the third reading I got it! I'm slow (I have a high delay :-) The point here is that the measured value and the static value are added together and the sum is transmitted in this field. I'd suggest... Implementations MAY also permit the configuration of a static (non dynamic) offset value (in microseconds) to be added to the measured delay value before encoding into this TLV, to facilitate the communication of operator specific delay constraints. Similarly in 4.2.6. --- 4.2.7 appears out of sequence. But since it repeats the content of 4.2.4 I suggest you merge them and talk about the plurality of fields. --- Section 7 "Sections 6 and 7 provide" should be 5 and 6. --- Section 10 "As per (RFC3630), unrecognized TLVs should be silently ignored" There has been confusion about what 3630 means by "silently ignored". In particular, some enthusiastic implementations thought this meant the TLVs should be stripped from the LSA before it is propagated. I think it is worth the few words to explicitly state that this is not the case. --- Section 13 RFC 4203 is used in a normative way, please move it to the other section.