Warning/disclaimer: I believe that reclassifying RFC 20 to match unquestionable reality is so obvious that I'm somewhat annoyed at having to spend time (and the community's time) discussing it. If the IESG feels justified in applying fast track procedures to documents that are far more controversial (and for which there is not even five or ten years of successful operational experience, much less 45), we really shouldn't need to spend time debating what can or should be done with RFC 20. If that annoyance comes through below and is unreasonable, my apologies. --On Saturday, December 06, 2014 15:02 +0000 "Stewart Bryant (stbryant)" <stbryant@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > If it is just for IETF purposes it could be added to the > downref list without being reclassified. Well, actually, it probably can't. In addition to what I hope is a better and more substantive explanation below, this note concludes with a little protocol-lawyer explanation that could be the basis for an appeal of any attempt to use that approach. My understanding, and I think that of the community, was that the reason for RFC 6410 was to increase the number of document that we classified as Internet Standards by reducing the barriers to doing so. It would be truly unfortunate, IMO, if we now started introducing additional obstacles such as "this could be accomplished in some other way". In addition, there is nothing about the status of RFC 20 that is unknown. The way the maturity classification system was introduced resulted in identifying the status of many early document with "Unknown" as a short way to say "formal status not reviewed and assigned", but that is not because we didn't know. It is because the RFC Editor and the community didn't believe that going through those documents was worth spending time on. Those were kinder, gentler, and less procedurally constipated times; today, the failure to assign a classification to RFC 20 looks in retropsect more like an isolated error in judgment. The technology the document describes is in very heavy use (including in the specification that allowed these messages about it to be sent and interpreted), the RFC itself is extensively referenced in other IETF specs (not that such references are a requirement for Internet Standard even under 2026), and it is arguably the most stable RFC-published specification we still use (all lower-numbered RFCs are either status reports, associated with the NCP ARPANET, or documentation specifications that have been replaced by the RFC Format specification documents that start with RFC 825 and cumulate in the recently-approved RFC 7322). The Protocol-lawyer speaks: Strictly speaking and AFAIK, we've got two consensus documents that modify the RFC 2026 requirements about downrefs. The first is RFC 3967. It is fairly broad about what can be referenced, but requires an explicit statement in the Last Call announcement about what is being done. That can be waived for a given document, but only if there have been several such Last Call announcements in the past. There have been, again AFAIK, no such announcements for RFC 20, so a single Last Call to reclassify it would actually involve less work and time than applying that particular RFC 3967 rule. More important, RFC 3967 is quite explicit that use of a downref procedure is inappropriate for cases like this. The relevant sentence reads: "This procedure should not be used if the proper step is to move the document to which the reference is being made into the appropriate category." and the text that follows just strengthens that message. There is also no support in the more flexible RFC 4897 because it applies only to standards-track documents. If RFC 20 is not considered a standards-track document because it is listed with a status of "Unknown", then 4897 cannot be applied. If it is really a standards-track document in spite of that placeholder designation in the RFC Index, then there is no basis for treating it as other than a full standard and its listing as "unknown" is a clerical error that the RFC Editor should be directed to correct forthwith (with no reclassification procedure required). john