The IAOC is pleased to announce Buenos Aires as the site for IETF 95 from 3 - 8 April 2016. This will be the first IETF meeting in Latin America. The meeting will be at the Hilton Buenos Aires. You may recall that in 2013 the IAOC asked the community in a survey and on the list for feedback about holding a meeting in Buenos Aires. “Based on these survey results, we conclude there would be good attendance at a meeting in Buenos Aires overall, good attendance from people in the region, and that most active participants will attend. Active participants would attend at similar rates to their attendance at other IETF meetings. From this viewpoint, holding a meeting in Buenos Aires appears to be similar holding it in other locations around the world.” <> Those who may be interested in hosting or sponsoring this or any future meeting are invited to contact Drew Dvorshak at dvorshak@xxxxxxxx. See Host Opportunities below. Ray Pelletier IETF Administrative Director 2015 92 Dallas 22 - 27 March Google 93 Prague 19 - 24 July TBD 94 Yokohama 1 - 6 Nov WIDE 2016 95 Buenos Aires 3 - 8 April TBD 96 Berlin 17 - 22 July Juniper 97 Asia 13 - 18 Nov TBD