The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), on behalf of the RFC Editor, announces this Request for Proposals for a revamp of the RFC Editor website, The successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Internet Society. The RFC Editor desires a revamp of its website to update the RFC Editor’s public-facing website, providing a "front door" for the RFC Editor, and a more easily maintained presence to the community. The website is the official archive for the RFC series. The RFC Editor website needs to provide an easy and accessible interface to the RFC Series. Project goals include: a. Improve ease of navigation, b. Modernize the website visual design, c. Make the website work better for all classes of devices, including smart phones and those with low- bandwidth and high-latency connections. d. Incorporate current best-practices in website design and implementation (such as responsive design and accessibility), and e. Improve the content maintenance processes. The RFP can be found at: <>. Proposals must be received via email at iaoc-tmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx no later than November 26, 2014. All questions, inquiries must be submitted by November 7, 2014. Responses to questions and inquiries shall be posted online at: <> by November 13, 2014. The point of contact regarding this RFP is the IETF Administrative Director, Ray Pelletier, iad@xxxxxxxx. Ray Pelletier IAD