On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 3:16 PM, John R Levine <johnl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I see that google.com now publishes a DMARC policy of p=quarantine. > > While this won't bounce people off lists like p=reject does, it still makes > it fairly pointless to post to this or any other list from a google.com google.com or gmail.com ? (corporate users or regular-old-consumer-gmail-users) > address, since no recipients hosted at Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, Comcast, > or other large providers will see it. > > If you're at Google, you might want to find yourself a less broken address, > and perhaps ask the people in your mail team if their intention was to tell > you not to particpate in the IETF on work time. > > Regards, > John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxxx, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY > Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. >