Hi, Doug,
On 04/21/2014 09:20 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:
On Apr 21, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Dave Crocker <dhc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 4/21/2014 9:36 AM, John Levine wrote:
They could fix it if they
wanted, e.g., by arranging to whitelist mail sources that
don't match
DMARC's authentication model but send mail people want. This
is not
just mailing lists, of course.
Sorry, but I'm not quite understanding what additional mechanism
you have in mind.
Exactly who does exactly what?
Who has to adopt it?
How will it scale?
Dear Dave,
Each domain can simply point to their desired white-list.
This can be one published directly or simply referenced as
described in:
This has elements from the moribund ADSP. The sender wishing
to protect a domain while also applying policy like that of ADSP
or DMARC can offer receivers a rapid and scalable method to
check third-party domain authorizations. This means senders are
always able to defend recipients who trust messages from their
domain. Please note, authorizations can also require presence
of a List-ID.
This doesn't answer Dave's questions: who has to adopt it and how
will it scale.
Adoption: of course the owner of the sending domain has to adopt it,
but is there also a role for the owners of mailing lists, invite
services etc.? How will the sending domain ever know whether a
mailing list is open or closed for example? How will it know which
invite services will need a TPA exemption?
Scaling: how does the owner of the sending domain (potentially very
large numbers of users) know to what mailing lists its users are
subscribed, what invite services will potentially need this TPA
authorization etc.? Furthermore, will it scale if mailing lists can
be members of mailing lists and how will the sending domain know
about this hierarchy or chain of mailing lists? So the technical
howto might be the easy part of the solution, while the
organizational howto will definitely be the difficult part...