I thought that this IETF list is not for marketing projects which are out of theIETF scope (ietf89attendees list may be ok). May be in future all world government organisations start marketing their projects on this important list.
I will comment that some governments' leaders may agree on monitoring many humans/machines in the Internet Community with no good reason and no respect of privacy. Those governments's leaders then may need the community to help in its monitoring without getting its own
community consensus. Therefore, IETF should not be part in marketing other projects.
However, IMHO IETF welcomes all governments of the world to participate in the IETF scope, IETF projects, and for the best of the internet community benefit and the future of best practice of human privacy.
The above comment is only my opinion/understanding, and may be IETF does allow marketing about external projects, but I did not agree on such policy.
On Friday, March 7, 2014, Geoff Mulligan wrote:
On Friday, March 7, 2014, Geoff Mulligan wrote:
Only a few folks were able to attend the briefing on SmartAmerica (my PIF project) and the launch of the Round 3 Presidential Innovations Fellow (PIF) program.
If the program is private then it seems it is for its managers benefit. If the program is open and its results is openly public then it is for community benefit as well. IETF is not private but openly for public. I understand that this session was about a government-program for only USA participants to apply for.
Here is a link to what the program is about if you weren't at the meeting.
If you have any questions, contact me.