On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > This is off topic but I know from sources that my posts here reach certain > targets. you're probably just trolling but... > Fact: The Russian Army is mobilizing on the borders of Ukraine this is akin to what happened in ~04 with Estonia/Talinin, almost? > Fact: The Internet security community can't trust the NSA to coordinate the > response because you betrayed us. In which prior incident has anyone of consequence cared a whit about what 'nsa' had to say or coordinate? (none, really, none) > If there is an invasion it is very likely that the Russians will attempt a > repeat of their tactic from the South Ossetia campaign and using BGP > rerouting and Web site hijacking to issue bogus instructions purporting to welp, I'm super glad we fixed bgp security and hijacking and 'mis-origination' ... wait. :(