Hi, I'm assuming this document falls in the category of technical advice under clause 2(e) of the IAB charter. Otherwise I'm not quite sure what it's for. It would be good if the Introduction said why the document is being published. (It says who it is aimed at, but not why.) > Restricting objectionable content or services. Certain > communications may be viewed as undesirable, harmful, or illegal > by particular governments, enterprises, or users (e.g., parents). > Governments may seek to block communications that are deemed to be > defamation, hate speech, obscenity, intellectual property > infringement, or otherwise objectionable. Enterprises may seek to > restrict employees from accessing content that is not deemed to be > work appropriate. Parents may restrict their children from > accessing content or services targeted for adults. I have a feeling that you should avoid all judgmental language here. I suggest something *much* simpler, that doesn't speculate about motivation: Restricting unwanted content or services. Certain communications may be unwanted by particular governments, enterprises, or individual users (e.g., parents). The technical content of the draft seems good to me, but I'm a bit worried that in a year or two, we'll hear some governments saying "Oh sure, we're blocking Facebook and YouTube; we're fully conformant to RFC7xxx from the Internet Architecture Board." Brian