On 2/7/2014 12:05 AM, Eggert, Lars wrote:
Exactly. The new text does not address the issue.
PS: I'll again point to the IRTF statement, which does:http://irtf.org/ipr. We'll make it available to the IETF for the low, low price of a round of beers for the IRSG:-)
1. Has the text been vetted by the IETF's attorney?
2. How does this 'summary' avoid the danger that has been cited, of
providing a potential ambiguity argument through exploitation of any
differences between the summary source text?
3. How does any of this resolve the much deeper problem that this
lengthy thread has served to demonstrate that we very clearly have
extensive community confusion about on what the current IPR rules are or
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking