Hi all, Together with a bunch of folks who've commented on this, we've been doing some edits to we hope better reflect the list discussion over the last while and have a pre-04 version [1] for folks to look at. (Thanks especially to Dave Crocker and Steve Kent for detailed suggestions.) There's a diff at [2]. We've also changed the body of the document so that the resolution of the BCP vs Informational issue should only require a change to the header. (For the record, I don't personally mind if it ends up as an IETF consensus informational document, even though I do think it really is better as, and is, a BCP. I figure that Jari has plenty of input on that already anyway:-) Note that these changes are not nits, they're relatively substantive editorial changes, but at least IMO don't weaken or strengthen the meat of the document, but they do I think make it clearer and better. Please let us know if we've messed up in any of those edits. The reason we're not yet pushing this out as -04 is that, as we said when we posted -03, there was an outstanding comment from Sam Hartman that hadn't been addressed at all. I'll send a separate mail on that now that Sam and I have what we think is change that would handle his comment. And once Jari tells us to, we'll shoot out -04. Cheers, S. [1] http://down.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/misc/draft-farrell-perpass-attack-04.txt [2] http://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url1=draft-farrell-perpass-attack-03.txt&url2=http://down.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/misc/draft-farrell-perpass-attack-04.txt