The appeal from Mr. Morfin was received on 8 July 2013; it can be found here: Mr. Morfin's appeal concerns RFC 6852. While the appeal does not state any objection to any of the content of RFC 6852, Mr. Morfin wishes that RFC 6852 included additional principles and a global framework. In addition, Mr. Morfin calls for a way for additional organizations to "sign on" to the expanded principle list and the desired global framework. RFC 6852 contains five principles that are strongly supported by five organizations. The principles were the result of significant coordination among these organizations. Mr. Morfin's preferred remedy has two points. First, Mr. Morfin calls for publication of a statement or RFC that expands on RFC 6852, preferably in conjunction with other organizations and governments. Mr. Morfin believes that there are currently two models for the evolution of the Internet. One is based on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and the other is based on the principles in RFC 6852. Mr. Morfin would like to see these two merged. Second, Mr. Morfin calls for the creation of an inter-SDO procedure to maintain the RFC 6852 principles and allow civil society, governments, and international organizations to "sign on" to these principles. The IAB believes that a formal appeal is the wrong mechanism to achieve these goals. Appeals are to bring to light and correct errors in process and/or substance. Here neither is alleged. Thus, no action is needed by the IAB as a formal response to this appeal. Future suggestions from the community are welcome through mail to the IAB <iab at> or through the RFC publication process.