On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Andrew Chi <achi@xxxxxxx> wrote: [...] > > I like the proposal, though in my experience it's not a perfect match. I use > git for version control on my own drafts, but renames are awkward when going > from -02 to -03, etc. And git's built-in diff can't compare to the IETF > diff tool. Of course, I'd be happy to be corrected, since it would improve > my own workflow! gitattributes(5) allows you to define a custom diff tool for path globs... Disclaimer: I have never had the use for that, I only know that it exists. Looking around will certainly yield useful examples, though. -- Francis Galiegue, fgaliegue@xxxxxxxxx JSON Schema in Java: http://json-schema-validator.herokuapp.com