See also: Irrespectively Yours, John From: ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx [mailto:ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Cameron Byrne
There is a huge cross layer optimization issue between 3gpp and the ietf. It is worse than you can imagine, highly akin to how the industry moved passed the ietf with Nat. The same thing is happening with tcp. Tcp is simply not fit for these high latency
high jitter low loss networks. Google is a player in the e2e space for various business reasons and it appears they are now in an arms race with these horrible mobile carrier proxies (which in many cases do on the fly transcoding of video). There are 2 fronts. 1 is quic as linked above. Another is their own transcoding https proxy This is not novel. Opera mini has been doing this for years, otherwise know as opera turbo. Oh, and Nokia has been doing it too. They even help by bypassing pki and any sense of internet security. Hold on to your hats. CB |