Since there is no author email address in the draft, I'm sending this to the IETF Discussion list. Issues: Section 2.1: "integer idenfier" -> "integer identifier" Section 2.1, para 2: "Implemenations" ->"Implementations" Section 3.1, 3rd from last para: "These bits determines" -> "These bits determine" Section 3.2.3, para 2: "sub braches but braches" -> "sub branches but branches" Section 3.2.3, para 3: "orginal" -> "original" Section 3.3.2: This section should mention the format for negative numbers (2's comp, 1's comp, signed magnitude,...) Section 4: No values are given for designating the 4 types of Identifier. Section 3.4: Definition of Extended Frame does not allow an Identifier for *any* new data type frame. Is this reasonable? Section 4.2, para 2: > Integer identifiers are used to make document less resource hungry. ^--the > They are very efficient from resource point of view when compared to ^--a > string idenfiers. Downside is that they make debugging a bit more ^--ti ^--The > complicated. People are not good in remembering semantics bind to at bound > plain numbers so debugging tools maid need access to a look at table may lookup > to convert integer idenfiers to more human friendly strings. ^--ti Section 4.3: Ascii art diagram split across page break. Section 5, para 2: "Implemenations" -> "Implementations" Section 5.1, last para: "String indentifier" -> "String identifier" Section 7, para 1: "Implemenations" -> "Implementations" Section "Author's Address": No email address given for Jukka-Pekka Makela. -- Bill McQuillan <McQuilWP@xxxxxxxxx>