Hi folks, Related to one discussion with a participant about I-Ds affecting WGs, I have a question after reading two real incidents. The following two work process examples are to show the I-Ds/RFCs affects from participants point of view; 1) I got an understanding from one expert participant that his I-D is not related to one RFC, even though it does involve similar objectives and use-case, which was strange to me. So I understood from him that his I-D is not affected by that RFC, even though his I-D does not mention to exclude that RFC. IMO, I disagree with such producing I-D by separate review-approach unaffected by other related RFCs (i.e. not mentioned RFCs). 2) While I was discussing within a WG about an I-D which is a second version of one IETF prorocol, some participants thought that the I-D obsolete the old version even if not mentioned in the I-D. It then was requested to update and mention that it does not obsolete the older version. New versions are related and can affect each other, or affect people understanding, which requires more careful presentation for such I-D. I beleive that we have one source of producing RFCs, so all I-Ds and RFCs are related some how, and they affect each other. So when I review an item, I always like to consider all RFCs as much as I can to make Internet better. Is that approach right for review? please advise, AB