At 11:40 AM -0900 12/9/12, Melinda Shore wrote:
I'm increasingly not a fan of process documents. It may be the case that we need a process document addressing the problem of excessive process documents. I hope that where your efforts end up is a wiki page or some such, which I think would be helpful, rather than an RFC, which I think would not.
Unfortunately, I see little evidence that any of these would be useful in this case. Process documents, web pages, and the like can only be useful if people follow them, and I don't see cause for optimism that anyone who isn't currently following what we desire will start doing so once the RFC or wiki page is published. I'd be delighted to be wrong, of course.
-- Randall Gellens Opinions are personal; facts are suspect; I speak for myself only -------------- Randomly selected tag: --------------- Surströmmingspremier (SEUR-stomins-prem-ya; Swedish; noun): The first day of the year when it is acceptable eat Surströmming, extremely foul-smelling fermented herring (banned in some apartment complexes, airplanes, etc.) -- literally, "sour fish premier."