On 9/12/2012 11:01 PM, Martin Rex wrote:
While the 6-month timer (or any earlier I-D update!!) will, in fact,
change how the*IETF* distributes and promotes a particular I-D (version),
there is actually*NO* limitation in what folks downloading I-Ds
with the URLs from the i-d-announce I-D Action: EMails do with
any of the I-Ds that they download.
At least one limitation is here:
c. Pre-5378 Material. In some cases, IETF
Contributions or IETF Documents may contain material from IETF
Contributions or IETF Documents published or made publicly available
before November 10, 2008 as to which the persons controlling the
copyright in such material have not granted rights to the IETF Trust
under the terms of RFC 5378 (“Pre-5378 Material”). If a Contributor
includes the legend contained in Section 6.c.iii of these Legal
Provisions on such IETF Contributions or IETF Documents containing
Pre-5378 Materials, the IETF Trust agrees that it shall not grant any
third party the right to use such Pre-5378 Material outside the IETF
Standards Process unless and until it has obtained sufficient rights to
do so from the persons controlling the copyright in such Pre-5378
Material. Where practical, Contributors are encouraged to identify
which portions of such IETF Contributions and IETF Documents contain
Pre-5378 Material, including the source (by RFC number or otherwise) of
the Pre-5378 Material.
Note that the "standards process" is defined in a way that includes
archiving, but does not explicitly include publication:
b. IETF Standards Process. The term IETF Standards
Process has the meaning assigned to it in RFC 5378. In addition, the
IETF Trust interprets the IETF Standards Process to include the
archiving of IETF Documents in perpetuity for reference in support of
IETF activities and the implementation of IETF standards and specifications.
So it's not a slam dunk that you have the rights you think for every
I-D; you definitely don't have those rights for IDs published before Nov
10, 2008 since the copyright was not transferred to the ISOC/IETF or
their Trustees.