On 7/4/12 11:49 AM, John Levine wrote:
NANOG is around 500 attendees. I daresay exposure to the average nanog
attendee is worth more, but ultimately the best feedback in that regard
will likely come from the sponsors.
IETF is bigger, but on the other hand, IETF attendees probably spend
less per capita on equipment than NANOGers do.
Yeah, that's what I said. ;)
If pitched correctly the folks that would be interested in the IETF
community might not be equipment vendors. e.g. I* organizations,
standards bodies doing outreach, contractors that provider services to
organziations doing standards works, patent trolls with portfolios to
sell and regular participants looking to rasie the visibility of their
activities all seem like potential participants.
It's an experiment, if we're turning away sponsors and people think it
was overall a success, we can raise the price. If not, well, we can
do something else.
Indeed. A lot of things I might not be willing to support in the general
case are fine in the guise of experiments.