> Second, designated experts are there to check for minimum requirements
> for a registration, and to give advice as they see fit (and have time).
> I'm myself a designated expert on "Character Sets", and I have
> definitely in the past approved, and would again in the future approve,
> registrations for stuff on which I would complain strongly if the
> question was "is this a good technical solution".
There's no one correct statement about what designated experts do, or are supposed to do. Some specs that create designated experts give more or fewer instructions to the expert than others do. Some give none at all. The desognated expert should be doing what the specification that defined the registry said the expert should do, to the best of the expert's interpretation. That might involve more gatekeeping in some cases, and less in others, and there's always an appeal path available.
It's my opinion that more specifications that create Expert Review or Specification Required registries should be specifying what they expect from the designated experts.