ZOOM://IETF.Fact.Check IETF.Fact.Check on the ZOOM:// Scheme and ZOOM://BOX Architecture ZOOM:// is a Scheme not a Protocol The ZOOM://BOX Architecture as No Back-Haul connection to the Legacy Inter.NET When you deploy your free open-source ZOOM://BOX and invite wireless users they connect to the Inter.NOT NOTE: the .NOT Top.Level.Domain is "Confusingly Similar" to the .NET Top.Level.Domain so you are banned from using it The ZOOM://BOX Architecture uses modern Peer-2-Peer and MULE Technology (aka Sneaker.Net) Users are the MULES and they carry Objects from place to place ZOOM= or 0xF33D = P2P Port 62,269 The Official ZOOM://DNS 4-bit Alphabet "ETAO^NRIS^HDLF^CMUZ" "0123^4567^89AB^CDEF" Note: The Letter "Z" is a WildCard (.-X*) Use ZNZ for .NZ or ZOOM://NZ ZOOM= or 0xF33D = P2P Port 62,269 ZOOM://DNS on Port 62,269 COM=12.3.13 or 0xC3D = P2P Port 3133 NET=4.0.1 or 0x401 = P2P Port 1025 ZNZ=15.4.15 or 0xF4F = P2P Port 3919 There is no "G" for .ORG or "B" for .BIZ NO $$.IANA.$$ is needed to hand-select Ports EXPLORE://BLOCK0 http://blockexplorer.com/b/0 ======================= 10/100 Ethernet 10/8 100/8 http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.txt There are 10 kinds of people in the world those that understand binary and those that do not There are 100 kinds of people in the world those that see 100 as 4 and 99 others Migrating to Binary prefixes with IPv4 addresses can be interesting. it takes 2 bits to store 10 How many bits does it take to store 100 ?