IETF Meeting Registration System Attendance List IETF 83 Paris, France March 25-30, 2012 What (current) Internet Engineering protocols, software, etc. are the following people working on ? What are the RFCs they are authoring ? St Amour Lynn Internet Society Daigle Leslie Internet Society Lynch Lucy Internet Society Kummer Markus Internet Society Bradner Scott Harvard University (ARIN?) Crocker Steve Shinkuro, Inc.(ICANN?) Roessler Thomas W3C (ICANN?) Seltzer Wendy W3C (ICANN?) What are the new Top Level Domains these people are discussing at IETF ? Abley Joseph ICANN Manderson Terry ICANN liang pearl ICANN Okubo Tomofumi ICANN Sheng Steve ICANN Arias Francisco ICANN Raveh Simon ICANN Bird Gerich Elise ICANN Lee Xiaodong ICANN Bachollet Sebastien ICANN Sadowsky George ICANN Cotton Michelle ICANN