Yes, you can find it in Google, but Google isn't a particularly good
place to look for engineering papers. Xplore is. RFCs aren't in the
ACM Digital Library, either, same problem.
Nor is it in Google Scholar, which is generally where I look first.
There's a lot of overlap. I'm pretty sure that everything in Xplore
and ACM DL is automatically in Scholar.
This isn't an enormous project, but it requires figuring out which online
libraries are worth getting into, making the necessary arrangements with
them (which may or may not involve money), a batch process to load in all
the existing RFCs, and arrange with the production house to ensure that
each new RFC gets listed as it's published. Most of these systems include
abstracts and forward and backward references, which will doubtless
require some debugging to make them work reliably.
Like I said, it's a good project for the new RFC series editor. It should
be a lot easier than deciding how to put Chinese names into RFCs.
John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxx, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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