Re: Automatically updated Table of Contents with Nroff

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   .Tc 2 4.2 12 "Efficient lossless packet compression"

In this example, this is second level heading 4.2 on page 12.  It's
easy enough to generate whatever sort of TOC you want, and the usual
nroff page break stuff does the pagination.
So is .TC plain nroff or in some package?
It's a macro.  Plain nroff formatting is all very low level, e.g., skip a 
line, switch to font 3, set line length to N picas.
I have a bad habit of writing my own nroff/troff macros so you're welcome 
to whatever I have lying around, but I doubt it'll be directly useful.
John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxx, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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