Hi Julian,
At 02:28 14-12-10, Julian Reschke wrote:
Out of curiosity, and because there may be drafts in the pipeline
having links like that...: for which reasons?
This question would have been better suited for the RFC Editor (see
RFC-interest mailing list) as it pertains to RFC style.
Quoting Doug Ewell [1]:
"I thought it would be good to let the list know that these misconceptions
exist and may be widespread, because of the wide use of Wikipedia"
And text from draft-narten-iana-rir-ipv6-considerations-00:
'At various times in the past, it has been asserted that we will
"never run out of IPv6 addresses". For example, Wikipedia repeats the
If you are writing a draft about HTTP, for example, you will most
likely do some research about the protocol. The best way to do that
is to type the word "HTTP" in the browser bar and it will be
magically transformed into an reference to the specification. The
webpage which will appear has been peer reviewed by people with more
expertise than the HTTPbis working group. :-)
It is left as an exercise to the reader of the drafts in the pipeline
having links like that to determine whether the authors used the
above methodology.
1. http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ltru/current/msg06507.html
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