Of course not every scenario calls for all of the security knobs to be
turned to 11. Think of things instead in terms of syllogisms: "IF you
want X guarantee, THEN you MUST do A, B, C."
Then you can also read the same things backwards in a given deployment
scenario: "Given that I can't do B, I can't get assurances X, Y, but I
can get Z (if I do D, F as well)".
I promise to produce something more concrete soon :) In the meantime,
this text illustrates what I mean pretty well:
On 11/10/10 2:03 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:
Issue here is that guarantees (and what you want as a guarantee may not be what somebody else wants) can vary depending on scenario and deployment.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard L. Barnes [mailto:rbarnes@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 12:54 AM
To: torsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Anthony Nadalin; Tschofenig, Hannes; abfab@xxxxxxxx; rai@xxxxxxxx; ietf@xxxxxxxx; secdir@xxxxxxxx; websec@xxxxxxxx; xmpp@xxxxxxxx; kitten@xxxxxxxx; iab@xxxxxxx Board; iesg@xxxxxxxx; oauth@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [secdir] [OAUTH-WG] ** OAuth Tutorial& OAuth Security Session **
I would say that the security considerations should be based on a model of OAuth. Start with a model of the protocol and the guarantees you want, then explain how to use security mechanisms to achieve those guarantees.
I promised Hannes today to do a review of the current document (which I admit I haven't read) and start on some security considerations from that perspective. So expect that in the next few weeks.
On 11/9/10 4:07 PM, torsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
We think the security considerations should be based on a threat model of OAuth. But a complete threat model would blow up the spec.
We therefore aim to produce a separate security document (informational I-D/RFC) covering threat model as well as security design and considerations. The security considerations section of the core spec can then be distilled from this document.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Nadalin<tonynad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 01:54:57
To: Torsten Lodderstedt<torsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Hannes
Cc: abfab@xxxxxxxx<abfab@xxxxxxxx>; rai@xxxxxxxx<rai@xxxxxxxx>;
ietf@xxxxxxxx<ietf@xxxxxxxx>; secdir@xxxxxxxx<secdir@xxxxxxxx>;
websec@xxxxxxxx<websec@xxxxxxxx>; xmpp@xxxxxxxx<xmpp@xxxxxxxx>;
kitten@xxxxxxxx<kitten@xxxxxxxx>; iab@xxxxxxx Board<iab@xxxxxxx>;
iesg@xxxxxxxx<iesg@xxxxxxxx>; oauth@xxxxxxxx<oauth@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [OAUTH-WG] ** OAuth Tutorial& OAuth Security Session **
I was looking for less of an analysis and more of considerations (of the current flows and actors), I'm not sure how to adapt what you have done to actually fit in the current specification, was your thought that you would produce a separate security analysis document?
-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-bounces@xxxxxxxx [mailto:oauth-bounces@xxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Torsten Lodderstedt
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 3:04 PM
To: Hannes Tschofenig
Cc: abfab@xxxxxxxx; rai@xxxxxxxx; ietf@xxxxxxxx; secdir@xxxxxxxx;
websec@xxxxxxxx; xmpp@xxxxxxxx; kitten@xxxxxxxx; iab@xxxxxxx Board;
iesg@xxxxxxxx; oauth@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] ** OAuth Tutorial& OAuth Security Session **
Hi all,
Mark McGloin and me have been working on OAuth 2.0 security considerations for a couple of weeks now. Since we both cannot attend the IETF-79 meetings, we would like to provide the WG with information regarding the current status of our work. I therefore uploaded a_preliminary_ version of our working document to the WG's wiki at http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/trac/attachment/wiki/SecurityConsiderations/oauth20_seccons_20101107.pdf.
The focus of this version was on consolidating previous work as well as results of mailing list discussions and start working towards a rigorous threat model.
Please give us feedback.
Am 07.11.2010 03:22, schrieb Hannes Tschofenig:
Hi all,
please consider attending the following two meetings!
** OAuth Security Session **
* Date: Monday, 13:00-15:00
* Location: IAB breakout room (Jade 2)
* Contact: Hannes Tschofenig hannes.tschofenig@xxxxxxx The security
consideration section of OAuth 2.0 (draft -10) is still empty. Hence, we would like to put some time aside to discuss what security threats, requirements, and countermeasures need to be described. We will use the Monday, November 8, 1300-1500 slot to have a discussion session.
As a starting point I suggest to look at the following documents:
* http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/trac/wiki/SecurityConsiderations
* http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/trac/wiki/SignaturesWhy
Note: If you are unfamiliar with OAuth then the OAuth tutorial session might be more suitable for you!
** OAuth Tutorial **
* Date: Wednesday, 19:30 (after the plenary)
* Location: IAB breakout room (Jade 2)
* Contact: Hannes Tschofenig hannes.tschofenig@xxxxxxx OAuth allows
a user to grant a third-party Web site or application access to their
resources, without necessarily revealing their credentials, or even
their identity. The OAuth working group, see
http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/oauth/charter/, is currently trying to
finalize their main specification, namely OAuth v2:
Based on the positive response at the last IETF meeting (in
Maastricht) we decided to hold another OAuth tutorial, namely on
*Wednesday, starting at 19:30 (after the IETF Operations and
Administration Plenary) till about 21:00. (Note: I had to switch the
day because of the social event!)
It is helpful to read through the documents available int he working group but not required.
Up-to-date information can be found here:
OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list
secdir mailing list
Ietf mailing list