Thanks for the comments.
On 17 okt 2009, at 17.50, Bernard Aboba wrote:
I reviewed draft-ietf-idnabis-tables-07. My comments are enclosed
IANA is to keep a list of the derived property for the versions of
Unicode that is released after (and including) version 5.1. The
derived property value is to be calculated according to the
specifications in sections Section 2 and Section 3 and not by
the non-normative table found in Appendix B.
[BA] This seems to imply that IANA will do the calculation itself,
Than just registering the results of a calculation made by someone
Is that correct?
The wg do not really care how the data at IANA is created. I have a
discussion with IANA on more proper wording.
For example, a
character can have its Unicode General_Category value change from So
to Sm, or from Lo to Ll, without affecting the algorithm results.
Moreover, even if such changes were to result, the
list (Section 2.7) can be adjusted to ensure the stability of the
[BA] Lo and L1 are not defined until the next section. Would it
make sense
to define these terms earlier on?
Let me have a look.
Some code points need to be allowed in exceptional circumstances,
should be excluded in all other cases; these rules are also
in other documents. The most notable of these are the the Join
[BA] "the the" -> "the"
Section 5.1
in sections Section 2 and Section 3
[BA] Should this be "Sections 2 and 3"?
Yes, most certainly.