Hi Fred and Michael,
This is Hiroshi Esaki of WIDE project, Japan.
We have long time worked on the introduction of IP technology into the
faculity networks, especially focusing on the usage of IPv6.
We run the Green University of Tokyo Project.
We have some professional operation using IPv6 on bulding automation
and lightening control system.
The most of exisiting and current system in this particular field is
based on
non-IP system, however they are going to realize the benefit of IP
and open technology in this field.
Hiroshi Esaki, WIDE Project
Michael Dillon wrote:
Myself and others are deeply concerned by how this effort is developing.
There is no current consensus on what the communications architecture of the
SmartGrid is or how IP actually fits into it.
The Utility Industry does not understand the current IPv4 number exhaust
problem and the consequences of that if they want to put a IP address on
every Utility Meter in North America.
What is equally troubling is that many of the underlying protocols that
utilities wish to deploy are not engineered for IPv6. We have an example of
that in a recent ID.
I've asked the ARIN Public Policy mailing list how people would feel about
banning the Electric Utility industry (and sub contractors) from receiving
any IPv4 addresses for use on the Smart Grid. This would include direct
ARIN allocations and assignment from ISPs.
I think that you are right to raise this issue in discussion since we badly
need to shine a light on the details of transitioning the Internet to IPv6.
--Michael Dillon
Hiroshi ESAKI, Ph.D
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo,
102A2, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Email hiroshi@xxxxxxxxxx
TEL : +81-3-5841-7465
FAX : +81-3-5841-7465