On Oct 2, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Ahmad Muhanna wrote:
Thank you Ben for reviewing and taking the time to go through the
document once more!
Agreed; Sorry, I missed that one.
I will make sure it is included in the next revision. I am sure you
okay not to spin another revision unless this is the only outstanding
Yes, no problem. That one could be done as an editor note (or not at
all, really--it's pretty minor.)
Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Campbell [mailto:ben@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 2:47 PM
To: Muhanna, Ahmad (RICH1:2H10)
Cc: Khalil, Mohamed (RICH2:2S20); sgundave@xxxxxxxxx;
kchowdhury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; pyegani@xxxxxxxxxxx; General
Area Review Team; IETF-Discussion list; Jari Arkko;
marcelo@xxxxxxxxxx; Julien Laganier
Subject: Followup on Gen-ART review of
draft-ietf-mext-binding-revocation (was Re: Gen-ART LC and
Telechat Review of draft-ietf-mext-binding-revocation-10)
This is a followup of my Gen-ART review of
draft-ietf-mext-binding- revocation, updated based on
revision 13 of that draft.
This revision addresses all of my substantive issues, and
most of the editorial issues. I had one outstanding minor
editorial comment where the author proposed a specific
change, but that change did not make it into revision 13 as
far as I can tell:
-- Section 11, (InitMINDelayBRIs) (I think I commented on
this, but
can't find the resolution)
Did you intend for the _default_ to be a range (between .5 and 1
sec), or did you mean to say the default was 1 second, and it must
not be configured to less than .5 seconds? I suspect the
latter, but
it's not clear from the text.
Sure, will fix this as follows:
Initial Minimum Delay Between BRI messages (InitMINDelayBRIs)
This variable specifies the initial delay timeout in seconds
before the revoking mobility entity retransmits a BRI message.
The default is 1 second but not to be configured less than 0.5
Revision 13 still appears to have the old text.
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