[Fwd: [ntpwg] Last Call: draft-ietf-ntp-dhcpv6-ntp-opt (Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6) to Proposed Standard]

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The NTP protocol is inappropriately ONLY adding functionality for other protocols which are already hosted by the entity hosting the NTPWG work and as such this is a HUGE conflict of interest without adding NTP to NEA and other protocols.
Todd Glassey

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ntpwg] Last Call: draft-ietf-ntp-dhcpv6-ntp-opt (Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6) to Proposed Standard
Date: 	Mon, 3 Aug 2009 07:04:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	The IESG <iesg-secretary@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: 	ietf@xxxxxxxx
To: 	IETF-Announce <ietf-announce@xxxxxxxx>
CC: 	ntpwg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The IESG has received a request from the Network Time Protocol WG (ntp) to consider the following document:
- 'Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6 '
  <draft-ietf-ntp-dhcpv6-ntp-opt-04.txt> as a Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
final comments on this action.  Please send substantive comments to the
ietf@xxxxxxxx mailing lists by 2009-08-17. Exceptionally, comments may be sent to iesg@xxxxxxxx instead. In either case, please retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.
The file can be obtained via

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ntpwg mailing list

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