I have been informed that you are considering a "proposed standard"
using a patent claimed by RedPhone Security. I understand that they have
promised not to sue those who develop products based on this patent, but
that doesn't suffice as they haven't promised not to sue those who use
such products. There is also the matter that they may not to held to
their promise against those with which they have had no prior relationship.
Any patents in a standard *must* be free to use in all standard
conforming, or approximately standard conforming, applications. If
not, then both the standard and it's issuing body is of no use whatsoever.
Note that I don't say merely that standard conforming uses must be
protected. This is because in many cases standards are not something
that can be achieved in one try. Bugs occur. Partial implementations
are common before full implementations. So are arguments about
precisely what a standard means.
This "proposed standard" should be rejected.