Hi Rubin,
Can you provide the documents in a readable format? Did you look at
SIGTRAN protocols?
You might want to send an e-mail also to the SIGTRAN mailing list...
Best regards
On Aug 13, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Rubin Rose wrote:
Dear members,
I was inspired to submit content in order to explore the potential
for integration of NOP into current revised standards for
transmission of SS7 over IP over satellite.
If this content is deemed too commercial for this readership kindly
advise or direct me towards a more appropriate audience; a brief
overview of the concept is included in the text below related to a
joint development successfully completed with ESA (European Space
Agency): The complete article is covered in the attached link, and a
separate .xls file includes calculation parameters for NOP benefits
over SIP and H323.
“WTL has an excellent track record in providing equipment for voice
services using satellite trunking and has over 100 systems deployed
around the world. The company’s key strength in this area has always
been the superior bandwidth-saving capability of WTL’s patented NOP
(Network Optimisation Protocol).
The Artes 4 contract provided joint funding for a series of
developments designed to make WTL equipment perform an even better
job for telecom operators wishing to use these emerging low cost
satellite services. One aspect of theESA project was to modify NOP
to operate efficiently over DVB-RCS services. The lower price point
of DVB-RCS equipment and space segment means that this is of great
interest to operators, particularly in the developing world.”
Rubin Rose
International Account Manager
Changing the way the World Communicates ............
World Telecom Labs
Diegemstraat 42
B-1930 Zaventem
Telephone +32 2 722 7200
Fax +32 2 725 6006
Web http://www.wtl.be
Email rubin.rose@xxxxxx
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<ESA Telecommunications ESA Funded VoIP over Satellite Development
helps African telecoms.mht><NOP Bandwidth calculator.xls>