Marshall Eubanks wrote:
I think that this little bit of mission creep just snuck up on us.
Indeed. If meetings that occur on the perhipary continue to increase in
relevance it might be prudent to consider how cost recovery could be
done to support the expanded function, if they are now really part of
the core meeting function etc.
This was by no means intended as a complaint, just as a
request and suggestion for operations going forward.
Nor did I take it as such, I did however know why the audio went away so
hopefully that factual anecdote contributes a datapoint to the
discussion on the future "friday experiment", non-core meetings, etc.
On Aug 3, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
Lixia Zhang wrote:
On Aug 3, 2008, at 9:39 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
MP3 service was lost during the RRG meeting Friday after lunch.
There were several
remote attendees, and they complained on jabber, so this was loss
was felt.
It really doesn't matter now whether this was planned or an
accident, but I would urge either that meetings held on Friday
afternoon have this support (even if it has to be run from someone's
laptop), or that meetings not be held Friday afternoon.
I'd second this request for paying more attention to Friday meeting
arrangement in general. Not only the MP3 was gone in the afternoon,
but also the hotel people turned off the meeting room microphone
during the afternoon break.
The schedule they were operating off of showed them striking the room
after noon. where that communication issue lies I'm not clear but they
were just following orders.