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On Fri Jul 18 19:28:26 2008, Keith Moore wrote:
I'm also tempted to suggest that there be an extra charge for
attendance on Mondays (other than for WG chairs and people
presenting material), with the proceeds split between the
secretariat and the people doing presentations.
Definitely against this - paying per presentation just fills me with
horror. Most people have to travel over a weekend anyway, so its
either the weekend before, with all the tutorials, or after, with
I honestly think that "catch up" sessions could be quite valuable
in several ways. They could help newcomers to a particular WG get
up to speed, they could facilitate more cross-area review, they
could make the real discussions more effective by minimizing time
spent explaining things to those who weren't caught up.
Now this really makes me think - what if Monday was filled with
lightning talk style quick-fire presentations on various WGs and
documents? I suspect more or less one track per Area or perhaps AD
would work, with presentations limited to 5 or 10 minutes. There's no
need to limit this to just WGs, either - key WG docs could have their
own talk, as could individual documents.
The result would be that on Mondays, attendees could very easily do a
catch-up and cross-area run.
I think we would really benefit from this, as it'd provide an
excellent place to gain good cross-area awareness - and that ought to
breed better review and integration.
Dave Cridland - mailto:dave@xxxxxxxxxxxx - xmpp:dwd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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